genealogical research

Poets, Authors, Journalists, Playwrights and Publishers

Mosaic with symbols of each Muse and Mnemosyne, 1st century BC, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Elis.

The Patricians blog articles

14 Poets’ Corner Ancestors, Westminster Abbey

John Adams
Quincy Adams

Louisa May Alcott

Æthelberht of Kent
Alfred the Great
John Jacob Astor IV
Marcus Aurelius

Francis Bacon
P.T. Barnum
William Blake
Robert Boyle
William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony
Ann Dudley Bradstreet
Tycho Brahe
Lord Byron
Julius Caesar
Thomas Campbell
Andrew Carnegie
Lewis Carroll
Geoffrey Chaucer
Samuel Clemens


Collins (32)


Anna Comnene
James Fenimore Cooper
Aleister Crowley
Cyrus Hermann Kotzschmar Curtis
Charles Darwin
Dhoude d’Uzès, countess of Agen, duchess of Septimania

Charles Dickens
John Donne
Michael Drayton
John Dryden
Alexandre Dumas
T.S. Elìot
Ralph Waldo Emerson
William Cuthbert Faulkner
Benjamin Franklin
R. Buckminster Fuller

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Ulysses S. Grant

Alexander Hamilton
William Randolph Hearst
Ernest Hemingway
Katharine Hepburn
Frederick II Roger de Hohenstaufen van Staufen
Herbert Hoover
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
Victor Hugo
John Marcellus Huston
Aldous Huxley
Thomas Jefferson
Helen Keller
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
John Maynard Keynes
Geoffrey IV de la Tour Landry
Lleyn ap Caractacus, St Linus
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Robert Traill Spence Lowell IV
Gilles de Montgomery-Laval de Rais
Thomas More
Jim Morrison
John Forbes Nash, Jr

George Orwell
George Smith Patton
Isaac Newton
Thomas Paine

Edmund Plowden
Sir Walter Raleigh
Anne de Rochechouart de Mortemart
Reverend John Rogers
Henri de Rohan
François Marie-des-Neiges Emmanuel de Rohan-Polduc
Eleanor Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt

Bertrand Russell
Sir Walter Scott
William Shakespeare
George Bernard Shaw
William Tecumseh Sherman
Adam Smith
Joseph Smith, Jr
Edmund Spencer
Winston Spencer-Churchill
John Ernest Steinbeck
Benjamin Spock, MD

Snorri Sturluson (1179 – 1241) Icelandic Poet

John William Strutt
William Howard Taft

Francis Tate, Esq
Elizabeth Taylor

Henry Thoreau
J.R.R. Tolkien
Garry Trudeau
Pierre Elliot Trudeau
Henry VIII Tudor
Edward VII de Vere

Marcus Aurelius Verus
Noah Webster
Orson Welles
Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington
Walter Whitman
Frank Lloyd Wright
Thomas Wyatt


The Patricians, A Genealogical Study – Ebook Editions (Epub, PDF & Kindle) US$5.95

Author at Harrod’s Deli – London

Steven Wood Collins (1952 – ) Antiquarian, Genealogist, Novelist 

By Steven Wood Collins

I spent most of my life unaware of my ancestral heritage. Sure, I knew of the personal history of my more immediate relatives; but beyond that, I never had any inkling as to my ancestral heritage. Then one day many years ago my sister said to me, “I sometimes wonder about our family background.” And so my quest to discover our genealogical roots commenced.

I started building my family tree with the very basic relationships, going back in time from my grandparents, one ancestor at a time. That initial effort proved to be the hardest part of the pursuit, mainly due to my lack of expertise as a novice genealogical researcher. As I gained familiarity with the databases and how to efficiently mine them, my progress gained ever-increasing momentum. Today, The Patricians! tree ( contains nearly 120,000 individuals, stretching over 135 generations, 5,800 of which are my direct ancestors in a genealogical sense.

During this trek back in time, I encountered fascinating figures in both history and obscurity. This blog contains many stories about their genealogical relationship to me (and many of you). By far and away, as a student of history, the historically obscure individuals are of particular interest to me. I cite Baron “Blue Beard” Montmorency-Laval de Rais (1405 – 1440) as an example of a historically maligned personage whose real contribution to history, as both a playwright and hero of France, has yet to be properly recognized. Another example is Earl Edward de Vere (1550 – 1604), who’s yet to gain widespread recognition as the actual author of the body of literary work wrongly ascribed to William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616).

My life-long interest in international economics and finance continues unabated. I primarily demonstrate this professional involvement as a contributor to the Long Room, the members-only international finance professionals' forum hosted by the Financial Times of London.

I'm an avid recreational scuba diver who enjoys traveling to exotic dive sites. My love of the sea and marine life gives me an unbounded appreciation and support of “green” issues, especially those devoted to the conservation of endangered species and coral reefs.

He continually posts results of his personal genealogical research to his Goodreads Authors Blog. Entitled The Patricians - The Ancestral Heritage of Steven Wood Collins, the work represents thousand of hours of his research efforts and related commentary.

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